Product Management
Is the Product Demo Actually Product’s Responsibility?
Being allowed to give a product demo to a prospect is a major step in the sales cycle. But who...
Product Management
Being allowed to give a product demo to a prospect is a major step in the sales cycle. But who...
Tools and Resources
Bogged down with multiple spreadsheets? Here are 3 reasons to design your next product roadmap using a purpose-built roadmap tool.
Product Management
Managing distributed product teams can present some unique challenges. Learn 6 tips for working with remote teams.
Product Leadership
Here at the ProductPlan blog, we’re always looking for great ideas we can share with you. Which means we read...
Product Management
How much product management transparency should your product team engage in? Learn both the bad and the good ways to...
Tools and Resources
As a product manager, you have two key roles in your company. Actually, you likely have something more like 4,523...
Product Strategy
One of the most useful product management insights we’ve heard in a long time comes from a professional poker player....
Product Management
Your product is ready. You’ve tested it—and it works exactly as you’d envisioned. You and your cross-functional teams have reviewed...
Product Management
Ever heard the story of Google’s early user-experience tests, where researchers sat users in front of a computer and then...
Career and Interviews
At ProductPlan, we’re big fans of blogs. We publish hundreds of articles a year on our own blog, and regularly...
Agile & Product Development
In this post, we discuss some of the essential agile best practices—and the ones we’ve seen many product teams neglect.
Product Management
Do product managers need to have technical skills in order to be successful? We explore the pros and cons of...
Product Leadership
Is product training part of the product? It's part of the user experience. Here’s what we think, and what it...
Product Strategy
A reporter once asked renowned behavioral psychologist Donald Hebb—the man credited with introducing the field of neuropsychology—a variation of the...
Agile & Product Development
In software development, how to manage technical debt refers to the accumulation of work that builds up when developers implement...
Did this year’s product roadmap deliver value? Is your backlog out of control? Did you meet all of your goals?...
Product Management
You’ve kicked off the development phase of your new product. Your executive team seems enthusiastic about the product’s potential. Your...
Roadmap and Roadmap Management
Product roadmaps fail more often than you might realize because they can be difficult to create properly. To be effective,...
Product Management
Optimism can be a great asset, and enthusiasm for your product is invaluable. But super-high expectations? Not so much. As...
Roadmap and Roadmap Management
Before we look at some example business roadmaps, and roadmap templates, try this word-association exercise. As you read a word...
Product Managers
The most effective Product Management and UX teams embrace collaboration and focus on delivering an exceptional product experience for their...
Product Strategy
Simplicity is like a secret weapon for your product and business. Have you taken advantage of it, starting with a...
Product Management
Product management vs. program management. These terms are often confused, used interchangeably, and given entirely different meanings across industries and...
Product Management
Did you know your sales team has a wealth of valuable data about your products? We'll help you learn how...